Limited Seats

Pan European

Investments Forum III
"The costs of a Greek default in the Eurozone & globally"

About the Forum

The forum will provide a platform to the industry to discuss Socially Responsible Investing Issues, Investments & Taxation as well as Asset Management, Challenges and Best Investment Ideas for 2013.

Topics that will be discussed are:

  • The costs of a Greek default in the Eurozone & globally
  • Debt sustainability & alternative scenarios
  • Can Social Responsibility and Investments go together?
  • Asset Allocation in Today’s Challenging Environment
  • The U.S. is faced with a fiscal cliff, Europe is dealing with its debt crisis and recessionary fiscal policies and emerging markets are slowing down considerably. How investors have to act to protect their capital?
  • How investors can take advantage of the new investment opportunities that arise in this new investment landscape?
  • Demographics and Retirement: a Global Perspective
  • How the deregulation of US financial markets coupled with the strategic use of complex financial instruments played a significant role in the Greek debt crisis?
  • How the development and marketing of complex financial instruments and the deregulation of the banking and investment sectors in the U.S. during the Clinton administration, have opened the floodgates of profits for some investors who can affect credit events around the globe?
  • How has the US government dealt with violations by large corporate entities and the ramifications of such cases in the context of global financial stability?
  • The SEC cases against Goldman Sachs, Siemens, Mercedes Benz and Johnson & Johnson.
  • Can government regulation prevent future violations?
  • Can investors rely on large financial institutions?
  • Role of the tax system on investments as of today
  • What is changing on the Tax Environment of Greece?
  • What actions are to be implemented?
  • Approach in Europe and in other Western countries.