Investments Forum II
December 16, 2011
Hilton Hotel
46 Vassilissis Sofias Av.
11528, Athens

organized by

Financial Academy

The Investments Forum II
takes place within the
Athens Money Show
Athens Money Show
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Pan European
Investments Forum II
"The Changing Landscape. Risk and Opportunities"


Panel I
"Asset Management, Alternatives and ETFs"

Coordinator: Goudinakos Stratos, Member of BoD, ATE Bank

"Client demand has led to interesting opportunities for alternative UCITS strategies" Shaw Marc Global Multi Asset Group Client Portfolio Manager, J.P.Morgan Asset Management
"Alternative Investments in Institutional Portfolios" Tessaromatis Nicholaos, Ph.D CEO & CIO EDEKT Asset Management and Prof. of Finance, ALBA Graduate Business School
"Trends and Developments in the Global ETF Industry" Fuhr Deborah Independent ETF Strategist, UK
"Commodities: a Wealth of Opportunities - the SSgA Multisource Active Commodity strategy" Didelot Nicolas State Street Global Advisors, Senior Product Engineer EMEA – Multi Asset Class Solutions, SSgA France
10.40 – 11.10 Q & A
11.10 – 12.00 Coffee break

Panel II
"ASK the Fund Manager"

Coordinator: Tessaromatis Nicholaos Ph.D, CEO & CIO EDEKT Asset Management and Prof. of Finance, ALBA Graduate Business School

"The Directors Dealings Fund - The Investment Methodology that focuses on the transactions of Executive Directors" Ladopoulos Athanasios Senior Partner & Senior Portfolio Manager at Swiss Investment Managers GmbH.
"Schroder ISF Brazilian Equity Fund: taking local excellence internationally" Malaki Lydia Director, Central & Southeastern Europe, Schroders
"Emerging Europe Private Equity - Investment Opportunities" Malfas Theodoros Investment Director , NBGI Private Equity
"Eurobank (LF) Equity - Emerging Europe Fund" Christodoulou Mario


Mylona Dorothy
Investment Manager, Equities Desk, EUROBANK EFG Asset Management M.F.M.C.

Portfolio Manager, EUROBANK EFG Asset Management M.F.M.C.
"Morgan Stanley DJUBS Diversified Backwardated Strategy" Papadokotsolis George Vice-President, Morgan Stanley Commodities, London, UK
"NBG Asset Management ETF Greece & Turkey 30 Equities Fund - Efficient ETF Structures" Lamprou Emmanuel Fund Manager, NBG Asset Management MFMC
13.30 – 14.00 Q & A
14.00 End of Forum