- How difficult is to hire, train, and retain high calibrate professionals. Arhodidis Dimosthenis, Ph.D.
- Innovative solutions for private investors during accumulation and decumulation periods Dimopoulou Sophie
- A perspective for Asset Management in the new landscape. Grassano Pietro
- The Capital Structure of the Greek Banking System: Impact from the implementation of Basle II and proposals for effective risk management. Georgikopoulos Nikolaos, D.Phil.
- Creation of Value for the Private Banking Client. Manailoglou Daniel
- Are there the appropriate tools in Risk Management in the Banking sector in order to avoid/eliminate the possibility of a systemic risk in the future? Christofides Nicos, Professor
- Structured Products: The new horizon ahead. Flamouris Dimitris, Ph.D.
- A perspective for Hedge Funds n the new landscape. Kassimatis Philippos
- New Europe Emerging Markets: Current Economic & Market Trajectory and Outlook. Monokroussos Platon, Ph.D.
- New Consideration on Market Products Following the Financial Crisis. Alexakis Panayotis
- The consequences of the Credit Crisis for the Global and for the Greek Economy. Polemarchakis Herakles, Professor
- Recent progress in clearing and settlement of OTC derivatives. Papathanassiou Chryssa, Ph.D.
- Last Generation of Wealth Management Technology. D Jaime Bolivar Almela
- Regulatory implications of the financial crisis in the EU and Greece. Sardelas Panagiotis
- Effective cash management and forecasting for financial institutions. A comprehensive solution to optimize cash holdings and reduce expenses. Gkonis Ilias
- Greek Economy in 2009: Challenges and Outlook. Lekkos Ilias, Ph.D.

Topic: Innovative solutions for private investors during accumulation and decumulation periods.
Speaker: Dimopoulou Sophie
The modern retirement savings industry is undergoing the most fundamental change since its establishment in the 1950s. Responsibility for saving for retirement, and the risk that is inherent in the process, are rapidly shifting from state and corporate-funded schemes to the individual end users.
The challenges for private investors, resulting from this shift, are significant. And they are made all the more difficult as individuals are being compelled to take on the new responsibilities at a time when markets are in an unprecedented state of flux. The recent falls in the world stock markets, stemming from problems in the US, have served to highlight the fears of many investors, namely that their retirement savings are no longer safe. One of the key products to emerge in recent years to meet the challenge of the shifting pensions landscape are lifecycle funds. These funds, which tailor investment solutions to an individual's evolving investment needs as they approach retirement, are fast becoming the default option for the new breed of self-financed retirement saver.
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Topic: How difficult is to hire, train, and retain high calibrate professionals.
Speaker: Arhodidis Dimosthenis, Ph.D.
Private Banking is a business primarily based on building strong relationships between the Account Officers (Private Bankers) and their Clients. As a result, a very important task for any organization involved in Private Banking is to hire, train and retain skilled relationship managers that share the mentality of the organization and have a strong client-servicing attitude. The main goal for any Private Banker should be to become the first person his/her Client calls when there is a demand for financial services. The following topics will be covered:
- Characteristics of a Private Banker who is capable to build strong relationships with Clients
- Different training methods
- Policies to retain the outperformers
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Topic: A perspective for Asset Management in the new landscape
Speaker: Grassano Pietro
The current crisis of financial markets, economies and models describing both is very painful. However, it represents an opportunity to reassess some basic concepts that in good times are often given for granted.
The main trends that shaped the European Wealth Management industry in the last few years, as
- the move from accumulation to income and risk management, or
- the shift from relative performance to outcome orientation, or
- the convergence between traditional and alternative portfolio management,
have all been relying in some hypothesis that this presentation aims to revisit.
Under this light, the Asset Management industry and Mutual Funds in particular seem to the presenter still bearing specific and unique features, which make them a valuable tool for investor's portfolio - also in this particular timeframe.
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Topic: The Capital Structure of the Greek Banking System: Impact from the implementation of Basle II and proposals for effective risk management
Speaker: Georgikopoulos Nikolaos, D.Phil.
The following issues will be analyzed:
- The impact of Basel II on the capital structure of Greek Banks.
- The composition of Greek banks own funds: Trends and developments from an overall financial stability viewpoint.
- Analysis of capital trends in the Greek banking system.
- Capital adequacy, regulatory capital, and securities innovations of Greek banks.
- The role of hybrid capital instruments and subordinated debt: Their effect on the leverage of credit institutions and financial stability implications.
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Topic: Creation of Value for the Private Banking Client
Speaker: Manailoglou Daniel
Topics that will be covered include
- client service
- investment advice
- operational/organizational models & structures
- PB offering and areas of expertise
- RM talent & training
Will also give an overview of the market with growth stats etc.
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Topic: Are there the appropriate tools in Risk Management in the Banking sector in order to avoid/eliminate the possibility of a systemic risk in the future?
Speaker: Christofides Nicos, Professor
Topics that will be discussed are
- Risk, dependence and contagion.
- Modelling and learning from the past.
- Expected and worst-case scenarios.
- Dynamic as oposed to static Risk management tools
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Topic: Structured Products: The new horizon ahead.
Speaker: Flamouris Dimitris, Ph.D.
Recent unprecedented levels of volatility have called for a lot of changes in the banking sector. Most banking activities have been or will be redefined in the new environment of increased state supervision and increased regulation.
Structured products are inevitably changing as well and new trends are emerging. Many capital guaranteed note holders realized that their Lehman issued products were only worth a fraction to the dollar after the collapse of the US bank. This has lead to the need for a new generation of structured products offering protection from the issuer's risk.
Furthermore, risk aversion is again strong among investors who are willing to invest in products with a strong similarity to bank deposits, however, with a strong equity flavor. The way ahead for structured products will be challenging and innovative.
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Topic: Recent progress in clearing and settlement of OTC derivatives.
Speaker: Papathanassiou Chryssa, Ph.D.
The recent unprecedented events following the failure of large and complex financial institutions provided the momentum to address certain weaknesses in OTC derivatives markets. Greater transparency of the risks borne by the individual players in these markets by means of enhanced disclosure requirements imposed on regulated and unregulated financial firms has taken a prominent place in research and policy debate.
Our analysis shows that the infrastructure for clearing and settling derivative contracts has functioned very well since August 2007. Thus, the challenges faced recently in the OTC credit derivatives market called for the immediate establishment of central counterparty (CCP) clearing services for this segment of the market. The reason is that CCP clearing can increase efficiency, and transparency of risks, as well as mitigate systemic risk. In addition, there is a need for enhancements to risk management policies and to the oversight and prudential framework with a view to fostering innovation and ensuring the safety and soundness of the financial system. These are the views of the speaker and do not bind the Eurosystem.
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Topic: Last Generation of Wealth Management Technology.
Speaker: D Jaime Bolivar Almela
The main target of Last Generation of Wealth Management Technology is to help financial institutions industrialize the multiple processes involved in the financial advice and wealth management cycle, by means of adapting and integrating analytics into the client's systems. The result for the financial industry is an improved relationship with its clients, making it more efficient and proactive, not only at the moment of the sale but, most importantly, during the subsequent follow-up. This is why solutions must be "multi-functional" and "multi-channel". Thus, Wealth Management solutions must include a wide variety of departments within medium to large financial institutions, insurance companies, etc. Amongst these departments: personal banking, private banking, retail banking, asset management, on-line banking... to name a few.
The objective is to rationalize, industrialize and therefore optimize the investment management advice and reporting services. It comprises a wide range of solutions aimed at the industrialization of the different and interconnected processes involved in what we call the "Wealth Management Cycle". Approach the automation of the processes both individually and as part of the whole cycle. The company's strategy will determine whether to integrate module by module or to go for the development of the complete solution from the beginning.
Some features a good wealth management solution must have:
- Consistent investment proposals
- Relevance of systematic risk control
- Relevance of absolute return and not only relative
- Portfolio optimization
- Proactive advice
- Personalized Client Portfolio Reporting
- Education
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Topic: Innovative solutions for private investors during accumulation and decumulation periods.
Speaker: Dimopoulou Sophie
The modern retirement savings industry is undergoing the most fundamental change since its establishment in the 1950s. Responsibility for saving for retirement, and the risk that is inherent in the process, are rapidly shifting from state and corporate-funded schemes to the individual end users.
The challenges for private investors, resulting from this shift, are significant. And they are made all the more difficult as individuals are being compelled to take on the new responsibilities at a time when markets are in an unprecedented state of flux. The recent falls in the world stock markets, stemming from problems in the US, have served to highlight the fears of many investors, namely that their retirement savings are no longer safe. One of the key products to emerge in recent years to meet the challenge of the shifting pensions landscape are lifecycle funds. These funds, which tailor investment solutions to an individual's evolving investment needs as they approach retirement, are fast becoming the default option for the new breed of self-financed retirement saver.
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Topic: Effective cash management and forecasting for financial institutions. A comprehensive solution to optimize cash holdings and reduce expenses.
Speaker: Gkonis Ilias
Numerous reports describe the new era of the "Cashless society". However, none of the new payment tools & mechanisms have totally provided the way there. On the contrary, customers continue to rely on "real" money for a significant part of their transactions and the cash's circulation keeps on growing. So, with cash very much here to stay, a pivotal question is how can the financial institutions further improve the cash utilization within their Cash Supply Chain?
Worldwide, operations executives are reevaluating their cash forecasting and logistics strategies against an environment complicated by fluctuating interest rates, rising transportation costs, volatile currency values, outsourcing, continuous ATM and self-service device evolution and regulatory requirements. All of these challenges must be balanced with an unwavering focus on customer service including cash and device availability.
Fiserv Cash and Logistics suite offers a comprehensive solution to effectively address these challenges.
- Improve cash optimization from an enterprise perspective (ATMs, vaults, branches)
- Drive new efficiencies and reduce transportation spending
- Track all assets (physical or otherwise) throughout the enterprise
- Manage the ATM and self-service device channel through comprehensive device monitoring, estate management and profitability analysis
- React to new regulatory policies that impact operations
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