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  1. Alexakis Panayotis, Professor
  2. Arhodidis Dimosthenis, Ph.D.
  3. Capralos Spyros
  4. Christofides Nicos, Professor
  5. D Jaime Bolivar Almela
  6. Dimopoulou Sophie
  7. Flamouris Dimitris, Ph.D.
  8. Georgikopoulos Nikolaos, D.Phil.
  9. Gkonis Ilias
  10. Grassano Pietro
  11. Kassimatis Philippos
  12. Lekkos Ilias, Ph.D.
  13. Manailoglou Daniel
  14. Mertzanis Harilaos, Ph.D.
  15. Monokroussos Platon, Ph.D.
  16. Papathanassiou Chryssa, Ph.D.
  17. Polemarchakis Herakles, Professor
  18. Sardelas Panagiotis
  19. Scapinakis Dimitris
  20. Vafias Harry

Coordinator of the sessions

Alexakis Panayotis

Professor of Economics

University of Athens

Topic of Presentation: New Consideration on Market Products Following the Financial Crisis

Panayotis Alexakis has studied Economics, Money and Finance in Greece, (B.A., 1975) and in Great Britain, (M.SC., 1977, Ph.D., 1981). He has worked at the Ministry of National Economy and the Bank of Greece. In 1985 he started his academic career at the Department of Business Administration of the University of the Aegean. In 1995, he moved to the Department of Economics of the University of Athens, teaching managerial economics and finance. He has published scientific articles in his field and has presented papers in international conferences. He has been a member of scientific councils, he has worked as a consultant and has held management posts for firms and financial institutions. He was a member of the BoD of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (2000-2004). He held the post of Chairman and CEO of the Athens Derivatives and Stock Exchanges (1998-2004). He was also Chairman (2000- 2003) and CEO (2000- 2004) of the listed holding company Hellenic Exchanges S.A. He currently holds the post of Executive Vice Chairman of NIREUS AQUACULTURE S.A.

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Arhodidis Dimosthenis, Ph.D.

Deputy General Manager - Head of Group Private Banking

EFG Eurobank Ergasias, S.A.

Topic of Presentation: How difficult is to hire, train, and retain high calibrate professionals.

Mr. Arhodidis is currently a Deputy General Manager and Head of Group Private Banking at Eurobank EFG. He has been with Eurobank EFG since the end of 2001. His previous position at the bank was Head of Global Markets Sales where he focused on all aspects of capital markets (origination, syndication, derivatives, structured products). He has worked for strategy consulting firm Monitor Company on various projects in the US, United Arab Emirates and Greece. He also worked as a structurer and sales person of derivative products for the Emerging Markets and Equity Derivatives Groups of Bankers Trust London. After the acquisition of Bankers Trust by Deutsche Bank (June 1999), he worked in the Structured Credit Derivatives Group at Deutsche Bank London.

Mr. Arhodidis completed the Ph.D./MBA Business Economics program (a combination of the Ph.D. and MBA programs) at Harvard University/Business School on a full fellowship. His dissertation focused on strategic alliances and their financial effects on small partners. He also graduated from Hamilton College, where he concentrated on Economics and Mathematics and received honors in both fields, and spent a year as a visiting student at the London School of Economics.

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Capralos Spyros

Chairman Athens Exchange

CEO Hellenic Exchanges

Spyros Capralos is the Chairman (Executive) of the Athens Exchange and CEO of the Hellenic Exchanges Group since 2004. In June 2008 he was elected President of the Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE). Since November 2006 he held the position of Vice-President of FESE. From 2000 to 2004 he has held the positions of the General Secretary for the Olympic Games of the Ministry of Culture and of the Executive Director and Deputy Chief Operating Officer of the Organizing Committee for the ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games.

Between 1990 and 2000, he has served as Deputy Governor (Executive) of the National Bank of Greece, Chairman of ETEVA Bank, Chairman of the Insurance Company ASTIR, Managing Director of EPIRUS Co., Managing Director of EFG Balkan Investments, Managing Director of Bank of Athens, following a ten-year international banking career with Bankers Trust Company (Paris, New York, Athens, Milan, London).Champion of Greece in Swimming (1969-1975), he participated as a water polo athlete in the 1980 and 1984 Olympic Games (Moscow and Los Angeles), while in 1996 he was appointed as Head of the Greek Olympic Team in the Olympic Games of Atlanta. Born in Athens in 1955, he studied Economics at the University of Athens and earned his Master's Degree in Business Administration from INSEAD in France. Apart from Greek he speaks English, French and Italian fluently.

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Christofides Nicos

Professor of Finance

Imperial College London

Topic of Presentation: Are there the appropriate tools in Risk Management in the Banking sector in order to avoid/eliminate the possibility of a systemic risk in the future?

Nicos Christofides studied Electrical Engineering at Imperial College, both as an undergraduate and for a Ph.D. funded by a scholarship from General Electric. Appointed as professor of Operations Research (later Mathematical Finance) at Imperial College in 1984. In 1990, co-founded and was the Director of the Centre for Quantitative Finance (now Institute for Financial Engineering) as a financial research unit of the College with up to 40 Ph.D. researchers in-situ at any one time. The unit is fully funded by most major world banks (Citibank, Morgan-Stanley, Paribas, Deutsche Bank, Nomura, Mizuho, HSBC, Barclays etc.) as well as the finance departments of major corporates (BP, Unilever, BT, Zurich, Sungard, Centrica, etc) for research in enterprise-wide risk management and asset pricing.

He concentrated his personal research in fund management, risk management, and the real-options valuation of companies. He published over 200 papers and 4 books on the application of optimisation and the use of mathematical techniques in finance. He is the Director of the firm 'Financial Engineering Ltd' in London, specialising in algorithmic trading and risk-control for wealth and fund management, particularly for hedge-funds.

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D Jaime Bolivar Almela

Managing Director

Techrules S.A.-Spain

Topic of Presentation: Last Generation of Wealth Management Technology

Graduated in agriculture engineering in Polytechnic University of Madrid and General Management Program (PDG) at IESE (Madrid). He was head of Product Development at Expert Timing Systems (ETS in Madrid for nine years and responsible for developing quantitative asset allocation methodologies to manage stocks, bonds, futures and forex portfolios. Responsibilities included formulating investment strategies in currencies, financial futures, implementing and following up the strategies, and technical analysis of those markets. Design of artificial intelligence applied to financial markets and intraday trading methodologies. Since 1999, he is the Managing Director of, a company that belongs to ETS. The company develops financial solutions for professionals (B2P), banks (B2B) and individual investors (B2C). The company offers solutions to help wealth and asset management departments focusing to the asset management, risk control, performance analysis, reporting and Fund Reports. Techrules is one of the most successful financial content providers in Europe. Some clients are: Yahoo Finance, Comdirect (Germany), SwissQuote (Switzerland), Bankinter (Spain), ING, Expansion (Spain) and JPMorgan. Jaime is a member of a Foundation called Inversion y Cooperacion ( that belongs to the Bolivar's family group which has as goal of promoting social projects. In 2006 Jaime created a new company called Quipu Technology ( in Lima, Peru. It is a software factory that provides excellent programming resources at very competitive prices.

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Dimopoulou Sophie

Head of Distribution Partners Greece, Cyprus, Israel and the Balkans

Fortis Investment Management Luxembourg S.A

Topic of Presentation: Innovative solutions for private investors during accumulation and decumulation periods

Mrs. Dimopoulou has fifteen years of international experience in investment management and is responsible for the business expansion of Fortis Investment Management Luxembourg S.A. in Greece, Cyprus, Israel and the Balkans.

Mrs. Dimopoulou holds an honours degree in Monetary Economics from the London School of Economics and has completed the Investment Management Programme at the London Business School.

Mrs. Dimopoulou started her career with the Portfolio Management department of Credit Suisse Private Bank, where she developed the structure of the Funds-of-Funds offerings for the London clients.

Mrs. Dimopoulou held various management positions at Citigroup. She structured and managed fixed income portfolios for clients across U.S., Europe, Middle East, Asia and Latin America and was a member of the Investment Committee of Citigroup Asset Management London. She was also responsible for the origination and launch of Hedge Funds, Private Equity and Real Estate offerings for the Alternative Investments arm of Citigroup Private Bank. She developed complex investment proposals for Citigroup's High Net Worth investors covering all asset classes.

In Greece, Mrs. Dimopoulou held the position of Head of Sales & Marketing at EFG Mutual Fund Management Company.

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Flamouris Dimitris, Ph.D.

Head of Stock Exotics.

Royal Bank of Scotland, England

Topic of Presentation: Structured Products: The new horizon ahead.

Dimitris Flamouris graduated from the Mathematics Department of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki and continued his studies doing a MSc and a Ph.D. degree in City University of London. He has worked in Deloitte and Touche for a year as a quantitative specialist in derivatives. His role was to build independent pricing models and verify the prices of the exotic derivative structures that banks were being audited from Deloitte holding in their portfolios. Leaving Deloitte, he worked at Bear Stearns in the Risk Management Department for vanilla equity derivatives. His role entailed monitoring of the positions of the traders and reporting to senior management scenarios that could cost to the bank as well as certain positions considered to be very risky. In August 2002, he moved internally at Equity Exotics Derivatives Trading where he stayed until January 2005. His role was to trade and hedge the risks coming from new and existing positions in the equity exotics book. Most products had a maturity of more than 1 or 2 years and their underlyings were stocks and indices from all markets, from Asia to America. Since February 2005 he has been with ABN, and now Royal Bank of Scotland, in a similar role, but with the extra duties of pricing the exotic products as well as contributing in the formation in the structuring phase. He has been covering all markets, both mature and emerging, as well as certain commodity markets, such as precious metals or oil. Recently he became the Head of Stock Exotics in RBS managing the stock exotics portfolio.

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Georgikopoulos Nikolaos, D.Phil.

Research Fellow in Finance

Centre for Planning and Economic Research (KEPE). Associate Research Fellow of Prof. Nicos Christofides (Imperial College London)

Topic of Presentation: The Capital Structure of the Greek Banking System: Impact from the implementation of Basle II and proposals for effective risk management

Nikolaos Georgikopoulos is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Planning and Economic Research (KEPE) in Athens. Dr Georgikopoulos is also an Associate Research Fellow of Prof. Nicos Christofides. Nikolaos is also a member of the Society for Financial Econometrics (SoFiE). Prior to joining KEPE, Nikolaos occupied various posts, such as: Financial Research Consultant at CQF - Imperial College London, Quantitative Risk Analyst at Xenomorph (London) and Assistant Trader at Barclays - BZW (London).

He received his B.Sc. in Mathematics from the Aristotle University of Thessalonica, a Master of Science in Mathematical Finance from the University of Oxford. He has obtained a Diploma in Quantitative Finance from Imperial College London. He also holds a D.Phil. in Finance, from the Business School - Imperial College London. He was a Post-Doctoral academic scholar at Stern School of Business - New York University, USA. His current research is in the field of Financial Econometrics, Risk Management and Quantitative Finance.

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Gkonis Ilias

Market Operations Manager - SEE Cash & Logistics Division.


Topic of Presentation: Effective cash management and forecasting for financial institutions. A comprehensive solution to optimize cash holdings and reduce expenses

Ilias Gkonis has been in the non-earning asset management and currency handling industry for four years. He joined Carreker/Fiserv (Nasdaq: FISV) in 2006 and currently serves as a Market Operations Manager within the Cash & Logistics Division, mainly responsible for business development in Southeastern Europe. He has been involved in many international cash management projects with large blue chip clients, both in the U.S. as well as in the European market, mainly focused on cash management model design, and process re-engineering.

He has been working as a Consultant Engineer for more than eight years, with the last four focusing on the Banking sector. He holds a Masters Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering as well as in Applied Economics & Finance.

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Grassano Pietro

Vice President, Head of Greek Sales

JPMorgan Asset Management Europe S.a.r.l

Topic of Presentation: A perspective for Asset Management in the new landscape

Pietro Grassano is a Senior Sales Executive in JPMorgan Asset Management in Italy since 2002, and Head of Greek Sales since 2008, keeping his responsibility for some clients in Italy. Before that, he has been working with BNP Paribas Asset Management as Client Relationship Manager since Y2000. He spent beforehand four years in Andersen Consulting, where he was Management Consultant in the Finance practice from 1996 to 2000, following mainly banks. His working career starts in Brussels, Belgium, in 1995, as a specialty commodities trader. Pietro has a degree in Economics (DES, Discipline Economiche e Sociali) from Bocconi University in Milan.

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Kassimatis Philippos


Panthir Fund

Topic of Presentation: A perspective for Hedge Funds n the new landscape

Philippos Kassimatis is a Partner at Panthir Fund since the summer of 2008. Previously he was a Managing Director and Co-Head of FX Structuring at Barclays Capital. His team was responsible for designing of new structured FX products as well as providing bespoke solutions for institutional investors globally. Mr. Kassimatis joined Barclays Capital in 2005. He started his finance career with Merrill Lynch in 1998 in New York focusing on mergers and acquisitions / financings in the corporate sector. Subsequently he moved with Merrill Lynch to London where he was responsible for the FX structured business for European financial institutions. Philippos holds a BA degree in Engineering, Economics and Management from Oxford University, an MA in International Economics from Yale University and an MBA from Yale School of Management.

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Lekkos Ilias, Ph.D.

Director Economic Analysis and Markets Division

Piraeus Bank

Topic of Presentation: Greek Economy in 2009: Challenges and Outlook

Mr. Lekkos started his career in 1998 at the Bank of England, working first at the Monetary Instruments and Markets Division and subsequently at the Financial Industry and Regulation Division. At the same time he was a participant at the Models Task Force (MTF) of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) responsible for drafting the New Basel Accord for Banking Supervision (Basel II). In 2003, he moved on to Halifax - Bank of Scotland Treasury Services where he worked as a Manager at the Credit Risk Management division. In 2004, he started working for Standard & Poor's as an Associate Director in the division of Structured Finance Ratings Services. Between 2005-2007 he worked for EFG Eurobank as a Senior Economist at the Division of Research and Forecasting.

Mr. Lekkos holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Athens University of Economics and Business, an MSc in Economics and Finance from Warwick University and a Ph.D. in Finance from Lancaster University. His research has been published in a number of academic journals.

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Manailoglou Daniel

Group Wealth Management Director

Marfin Popular Bank

Topic of Presentation: Creation of Value for the Private Banking Client

Mr Manailoglou is currently the Group Wealth Management Director at Marfin Popular Bank. Prior to joining Marfin, Mr Manailoglou was an Assistant General Manager and Head of the Private Banking Division in Greece at Eurobank EFG which he originally joined in 2004. Before Eurobank EFG, he worked with the Securities Firm of National Bank of Greece as Private Client Sales Director and previously as Senior Fund Manager in the Asset Management subsidiary of Alpha Bank in Greece. Before his career switch towards the finance sector he worked for 6 years with the Shell Group of Companies where he held various positions in Athens and London with accountability mainly in sales, key accounts management and business development.
Mr Manailoglou received his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Boston University and his M.Sc. in Energy Economics from Imperial College in London. He is certified Investment Advisor by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission.
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Mertzanis Harilaos, Ph.D.

Director of the Directorate of Research, Certification and MIS

Hellenic Capital Market Commission

Topic of Presentation: New sources of systemic risk and regulatory challenges

Mr. Harilaos Mertzanis has a B.A. degree in Economics (honors) from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) and a Ph.D. in economics and finance from New York University (USA), where he studied as a Fulbright and NATO fellow.

Today, Mr. Mertzanis serves as the Director of the Directorate of Research, Certification and MIS of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, where he is employed since 1996. In the past, he served as the Director of the Industrial Liaison Office of the University of Thessaly, a special advisor to the Chamber of Commerce in Volos on SME financing, a project analyst in Citibank -London and a statistical analyst in the NYC Board of Education's research department.

He teaches finance courses at the Greek Open University. In the past, he has taught courses in economics and finance at the La Verne University, the University of Thessaly, the New York University, the New School University and the City University of New York.

He has published several articles in foreign and domestic academic journals on macroeconomics, finance, corporate governance, economic philosophy and history and has made numerous presentations in international and domestic academic conferences. He has published two books, and he is in charge of the Commission's Annual Report.

He has participated in professional international fora and meetings (EU Commission, EU Council, CESR, OECD, etc.) as either an expert or country representative. He served as the coordinator of the Corporate Governance Committee in Greece, he is a member of the Corporate Ggovernance Committee in Cyprus, was a member of the Greek Pension Funds Management Committee, served as the Chairman of the EU Council for the Transparency Directive during the Greek Council Presidency in 2003, and has been a member in the OECD Corporate Governance Steering Committee since 1999. He has also provided professional advice on foreign governments on capital market and corporate governance issues.
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Monokroussos Platon, Ph.D.

Assistant General Manager, Head of Financial Markets Research

EFG Eurobank Ergasias

Topic of Presentation: New Europe Emerging Markets: Current Economic & Market Trajectory and Outlook.

Mr Platon Monokroussos currently works as Head of Financial Markets Research with EFG Eurobank Ergasias in Athens. Before joining EFG Eurobank Ergasias, he held high-level positions in several leading financial institutions including ABN AMRO and Bank of America. Mr. Monokroussos holds a Bachelor's degree in theoretical Mathematics and two Master's degrees (Economics and Business Administration). He has also received his Ph.D. from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Dept. of Economics. Over the past several years, Mr. Monokroussos has participated as a speaker in numerous economic forums in Athens and other major European cites and he has regularly been cited in the local and international financial press and newswires.

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Papathanassiou Chryssa, Ph.D.

Senior Expert in the Directorate General Payments and Market Infrastructure

European Central Bank

Topic of Presentation: Recent progress in clearing and settlement of OTC derivatives

Chryssa Papathanassiou is a Senior Expert in the Directorate General Payments and Market Infrastructure of the ECB. She is in charge of oversight issues regarding post-trading service providers. She joined the ECB in 1998 and worked on the legal convergence of Greece prior to the introduction of the euro. Before this, Chryssa was a legal counsel at the second largest German bank, Commerzbank AG, in both Frankfurt and London, and at the law firm Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton. Chryssa has authored papers on governance and financial regulation and lectured at the University of Zurich and at Panteion University, Athens. In 2008, Chryssa published a treatise dealing in a systematic way with derivatives clearing. In her book, she discussed ways to mitigate systemic risk, namely by extending central counterparty clearing in OTC derivatives. Chryssa holds a law degree from the University of Athens, a PhD from the University of Konstanz, Germany, and an LL.M. degree from Yale Law School, USA. She is both a Fulbright scholar and a Friedrich Naumann scholar.

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Polemarchakis Herakles, Professor

Professor of Economics

Univesity of Warrick

Topic of Presentation: The consequences of the Credit Crisis for the Global and for the Greek Economy.

Heracles Polemarchakis is a Professor of Economics at Warwick University. He studied mathematics and economics at Yale University and received his Ph.D. from Harvard University. From 1977 until today, Professor Polemarchakis taught at Columbia University, at Catholic University of Louvain and at Brown University. From 1987 to 1988, he was the scientific general manager of ÊÅPE. He participated at the editorial boards of scientific journals such as Journal of Mathematical Economics and he is a fellow of the Econometric Society and European Economic Association. His research activity expands in the field of economic theory with specialization in theory of economic politics and general equilibrium.

Selected Publications of Professor Polemarchakis :
  1. On the desirability of a totally random monetary policy," Journal of Economic Theory, 15, (1977) (with L. Weiss)
  2. We cannot disagree forever," Journal of Economic Theory, 28, (1982)(with J.D. Geanakoplos)
  3. Existence, regularity and constrained suboptimality of competitive allocations when the asset market is incomplete," in W. Heller, R. Starr and D. Starrett (eds.), Uncertainty, Information and Communication: Essays in Honor of K. J. Arrow, Vol. III, Cambridge University Press, (1986)
  4. The identication of preferences from equilibrium prices under uncer-tainty," Journal of Economic Theory, 102, (2002) (with F. KAubler, P.-A.Chiappori and I. Ekeland)
  5. Monetary equilibria over an infinite horizon," Economic Theory, 25,(2005) (with G. Bloise and J. H Drµeze)
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Sardelas Panagiotis

Banking & Finance/ Capital Markets Partner

Sardelas, Saxonis Liarikos & Associates

Topic of Presentation: Regulatory implications of the financial crisis in the EU and Greece.

Panagiotis (Notis) Sardelas is a partner of Sardelas, Saxonis Liarikos & Associates law firm and has a ten-year experience in the fields of Banking & Finance and Capital Markets law. He holds law degrees from London School of Economics, where he read law and economics, and the Law School of the University of Athens, as well as a Master of Laws in Banking & Finance from Queen Mary & Westfield College. He has previously practiced law at 'Karatzas & Partners Law Firm' and from 2001 to September 2005 he was an associate and subsequently senior associate in 'Kyriakides-Georgopoulos Law Firm'. Ás of September 2005 he is the Banking & Finance/ Capital Markets Partner of Sardelas, Saxonis Liarikos & Associates law firm. His area of practice also covers Mergers & Acquisitions and privatizations, energy projects, as well as complex transactions of real estate finance and development, in which he has particular experience and expertise.He is a member of the Hellenic Society of Banking Law and Capital Markets Law, the Greek Commercial Lawyers Association, the Society for Advanced Legal Studies (IALS, London) and the LSE Lawyers Group.

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Scapinakis Dimitris

Chief Investment Strategist

Marfin Egnatia Bank

Dimitris Scapinakis has an Engineering Degree from the National Technical University of Athens and an MSc. in Transportation Economics from the University of California at Berkeley. Between 1991-1994 he worked with Trademco Management Consultants. In 1996, after having obtained an MBA from Warwick University joined the corporate banking unit of Citibank N.A. in Athens as an assistant account officer. Then, in 1998 he moved to P&K Securities as a Senior Equities Research Analyst. In September 1999 joined the Marfin Group first as a Senior Analyst and then as Head of Research of the brokerage subsidiary. From 2002 is the Chief Investment Strategist of Marfin Bank.

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Goudinakos Stratos


Ulysses Capital Management

Investment Management Own Assets and Ìember of the Global Investment Committee of Helios Capital Management International Fund

Stratos Goudinakos is a veteran floor trader and fund manager and has been actively involved in Investment Banking and Asset Management for over 15 years.

He started his career at the Floor, London's derivative exchange, LIFFE, where he built and managed complex derivative portfolios, Director of Investments, mainly on European short term interest rates and government bonds, i.e. lira-sterling, gilts euromark, euribor, bund, euroswiss, eurolira, btp.

He was involved in the set up and development, Floor Manager, of a trading team on LIFFE exchange for Spear Leeds & Kellogg. On his return to Greece, he joined National Bank of Greece, Head of Listed Derivatives & Proprietary Trading. He managed the desks of market making, arbitrage and sales for the Greek derivatives market. He set up a prop desk trading all over the world through listed derivative products and he was also responsible for hedging the bank's bond book. In succession, he moved to Diethniki Mutual Funds, NBG's asset management, as Chief Investment Manager using derivatives in order to reduce risk and optimize returns.

Then, he participated as a Vice Chairman and partner, in the buyout of an investment company, Ellinis, and its extensive restructuring to ECF. He developed and started up a Global Macro Hedge Fund, Ulysses, which invested mainly in developed countries through extensive use of derivative products on currencies, bonds, stock indices, stocks, and commodities.

Currently, he is managing own assets through extensive trading in international derivative markets. Moreover, he is a member of the Global Investment Committee of Helios Capital Management, an International Fund based in Moscow and New York.

He holds a Diploma in Chemical Engineering of Patras University in Greece, a DBA from Cardiff Business School University of Wales, and an MBA from CASS Business School of City University.

He also holds certificates from TEE, Technical Chamber of Greece, SFA, London and the Hellenic Capital Market Committee in Market Making and Asset Management.

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Vafias Harry


Vafias Group

Harry Vafias founded Stealth Maritime Corp in 1999 which today operates 185,000 - 250,000dwt modern double hull tankers all under long term charters with oil companies. Stealth Maritime Corp has invested approx $1.2 billion the last few months for the renewal of the tanker fleet.

In 2004 he founded Stealthgas which was listed in NASDAQ in October 2005 and up to today has raised approx $300m from the capital markets. Stealthgas operates approx 50 LPGs and four tankers and is the largest company, in number of vessels, in gas transportation worldwide. In 2005 Harry Vafias founded Estates Corporation Inc, a real estate company, investing in Greece, London, New York and Geneva. In 2007 Vafias became CEO of the Vafias Group, which today is the third largest shipping group in Greece with 82 owned vessels, 25 of which are under construction. Harry Vafias was recognized by the NASDAQ as the youngest CEO of a listed shipping company worldwide.

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Xanthopoulos Akis

ATMs and Cash Values Manager

Marfin Egnatia Bank

Xanthopoulos Akis works at Marfin Egnatia Bank as ATMs and Cash Values Manager. From April 2002 and before the merge (that had occurred in 2007 when Marfin acquired Laiki Bank (Hellas) SA), he worked as an IT Manager. In August of 2005 he was appointed as eBanking, Call Center and Credit Cards Manager for Laiki Bank. During his 22 years old, professional career, he worked in large IT Companies such as Bull, EDS, Intrasoft and Information Dymamics as well as in many corporation as an IT Consultant. He studied Electronics and Information Technology in Greece and France.

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