The aim of the forum is to provide a platform to the industry to discuss the critical current financial situation and the roadmap ahead.
After the credit crisis, a new landscape will open in front of all of us with new challenges, risks and opportunities. Among the questions that will be answered in the forum will be:
- What do we have to expect in the new era?
- What are the investment opportunities in a world that has changed?
- How can we adjust our thinking and our businesses in the new dynamics?
- What is the perspective for the Asset Management industry, the Hedge Funds and the Sovereign Wealth Funds in the new scene?
- How Private Banking and/or Wealth Management can serve its clients in the new landscape?
- Could we move to more effective regulations in the financial industry?
- What is the current outlook and what could be the consequences in the years to come?
- How all the latest changes will affect our businesses, and basically our day to day life?
- What are the new challenges in the Southeastern Europe?
Highly calibrated speakers will share their expertise and discuss the topics of the four following sessions:
- The latest Dynamics in the Investments Industry
- Wealth Management versus Private Banking
- Round Table I: New Era Regulations in the aftermath of the Credit Crisis
- Round Table II: The Current Outlook. What will be the consequences after the crisis for the global and for the Greek economy? What is the roadmap ahead - Risks and Opportunities.